15 Best YouTube Channels for Learning Political Science 2024

Best Political Science YouTube Channels

Reviewed by: Jayprakash Prajapati | Last updated on August, 5, 2024

Best YouTube Channels for Learning Political Science. YouTube has become an essential tool in the digital era for those seeking to expand their knowledge of political science. With channels dedicated to simplifying intricate theories and dissecting current affairs, YouTube provides a wide range of resources for individuals at all levels of expertise.

Its user-friendly interface and diverse content make it a valuable asset for exploring the realm of politics. Political science is an expansive discipline that delves into the intricacies of governments, political processes, and political behavior.

Regardless of whether you’re a student, an enthusiast, or a professional, YouTube provides an abundance of valuable resources to further your understanding of political science. Discover the top 15 political science YouTube channels that you may have never come across before.

What Are The Best YouTube Channels for Learning Political Science?

Check out these top Learning Political Science YouTube channels for all your Political Science needs!

The David Pakman Show.

Best Political Science YouTube Channels - The David Pakman Show

The David Pakman Show is a daily hour-long news and politics talk show hosted by David Pakman. The YouTube channel publishes videos daily on a wide range of news and political topics.

The secret behind the success of The David Pakman Show YouTube channel is its consistent, high-quality content and the engaging personality of host David Pakman. The channel has amassed over 2.2 million subscribers and 35,000 videos, indicating a dedicated following built over many years.

While the exact start date of the YouTube channel is not provided, The David Pakman Show itself has been syndicated on TV and radio for many years. The YouTube channel likely started sometime after the show’s launch to expand its reach and connect with a younger, online audience.

The Brookings Institution.

Best Political Science YouTube Channels - The Brookings Institution

The Brookings Institution YouTube channel publishes videos of events, discussions, and commentary on a wide range of policy topics, with a focus on domestic and foreign policy, economics, and governance. The channel does not appear to produce fictional or narrative-style videos.

The secret behind the success of the Brookings YouTube channel is its ability to provide in-depth, expert analysis on important policy issues.

As a leading think tank, Brookings has access to a network of scholars and policymakers who offer valuable insights and commentary. The channel’s videos feature these experts discussing current events and policy proposals.

The Young Turks.

Best Political Science YouTube Channels - The Young Turks

The Young Turks YouTube channel publishes a wide variety of news and political commentary videos, covering topics such as politics, current events, entertainment, sports, and pop culture. The channel has a progressive, left-leaning editorial stance and is not afraid to express strong opinions on the issues it covers.

The secret behind the success of The Young Turks YouTube channel is its ability to connect with a younger, online audience through its engaging hosts, Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian, and its unique approach to news coverage . The channel has amassed over 5.93 million subscribers, making it one of the largest online news networks.

CGP Grey.

Best Political Science YouTube Channels - CGP Grey

The CGP Grey YouTube channel primarily features short, animated explanatory videos on a wide range of topics, including politics, geography, economics, history, culture, and science. Grey’s videos aim to debunk common misconceptions or answer everyday questions in an engaging and informative way.

The secret behind the success of CGP Grey’s channel is his unique presentation style, which features Grey narrating over animations, stock footage, and still photographs. While his voice is heard in all videos, Grey’s face is never shown, and he uses a stick figure with glasses to represent himself

This style, influenced by Yahtzee Croshaw’s “Zero Punctuation” series, helps to keep the focus on the content and explanations.

The CGP Grey YouTube channel was launched in 2010 and has since amassed over 6.4 million subscribers and 691 million views

Grey’s videos have been featured in various publications, including Business Insider, Huffington Post, and Popular Mechanics, and have been used in instructional settings due to their educational value.

Khan Academy.

The Khan Academy YouTube channel does not primarily feature story-based videos. Instead, the channel publishes short, instructional videos covering a wide range of academic subjects, including math, science, history, economics, and more.

The secret behind the success of the Khan Academy YouTube channel is its focus on providing high-quality, educational content that is accessible and engaging for students of all ages and skill levels.

The videos feature clear explanations and visuals to help reinforce key concepts, and they are designed to supplement the interactive lessons and practice exercises available on the Khan Academy website.

While the exact start date of the Khan Academy YouTube channel is not provided, the Khan Academy organization itself was founded in 2006 by Sal Khan.

The YouTube channel likely launched sometime in the late 2000s or early 2010s as a way to expand the reach of Khan Academy’s educational resources and connect with a growing online audience


The CrashCourse YouTube channel primarily features educational videos covering a wide range of academic subjects, including history, science, philosophy, literature, and more. The videos are designed to provide an engaging and accessible introduction to these topics, but they are not focused on telling fictional stories.

The secret behind the success of CrashCourse is its ability to present complex information in a clear, concise, and entertaining way. The videos feature a fast-paced format with visual aids, humor, and personal anecdotes from the hosts to keep viewers engaged and help them retain the information. The channel also benefits from the charisma and teaching skills of its hosts, the Green brothers John and Hank Green, who have built a strong connection with their audience

CrashCourse launched in December 2011 as part of YouTube’s original channel initiative, with John Green hosting the World History series and Hank Green hosting the Biology series

. Since then, the channel has expanded to include over 45 different course series, with additional hosts joining to cover more subjects. As of March 2022, CrashCourse has accumulated over 15 million subscribers and 1.8 billion video views, making it one of the most popular educational channels on YouTube.


Best Political Science YouTube Channels - PragerU

The PragerU YouTube channel does not primarily feature story-based videos. Instead, the channel publishes short, educational videos that promote a conservative, pro-American perspective on a variety of political, social, and cultural topics.

The secret behind the success of the PragerU channel is its ability to present its ideological views in a slick, professional, and seemingly objective manner. The videos often feature well-spoken experts and commentators who deliver concise arguments on issues like economics, history, and social policy.

This approach helps the channel appeal to a wide audience, particularly younger viewers, and gives the impression that PragerU’s content is factual and unbiased.

While the exact start date of the PragerU YouTube channel is not provided, the organization itself was founded in 2009 by conservative commentator Dennis Prager.

The YouTube channel likely launched sometime in the early 2010s as a way to expand the reach of PragerU’s content and connect with an online audience.

The Rubin Report.

Best Political Science YouTube Channels - The Rubin Report

The Rubin Report YouTube channel primarily features political commentary and interviews with guests from across the political spectrum. The channel does not appear to produce fictional or narrative-style story videos.

The secret behind the success of The Rubin Report is host Dave Rubin’s ability to engage in thoughtful, open-minded discussions with people who hold different views from his own.

Rubin allows his guests to speak freely and encourages his audience to think critically about the issues being discussed. This approach has helped build a loyal following for the channel.

While the exact start date of The Rubin Report YouTube channel is not provided, Dave Rubin has been hosting the show since 2013. The channel likely launched around that time as Rubin sought to expand the reach of his show through the growing platform of YouTube.


The TED-Ed YouTube channel does not primarily feature story-based videos. Instead, the channel publishes a variety of short, animated educational videos that aim to “create lessons worth sharing” on topics spanning science, history, the arts, and more.

The secret behind the success of the TED-Ed channel is its ability to take complex ideas and present them in an engaging, visually-compelling way.

The channel’s videos feature high-quality animations that bring the educational content to life and help viewers better understand and retain the information. Additionally, TED-Ed taps into the expertise of teachers and subject matter experts to ensure the accuracy and pedagogical value of its lessons.

While the exact launch date of the TED-Ed YouTube channel is not provided, the TED-Ed initiative itself was established in 2012 as an extension of the TED Talks platform. The YouTube channel likely started around that time as a way to distribute TED-Ed’s growing library of educational videos to a wider online audience.

Today, the channel has amassed over 20 million subscribers and billions of views, cementing its status as one of the premier educational resources on YouTube.


The Vox YouTube channel primarily publishes short, explanatory videos on a wide range of topics, including politics, science, culture, and current events. The videos aim to provide context and analysis on complex issues in an engaging and accessible way, but they are not focused on telling fictional stories.

The secret behind the success of the Vox channel is its ability to break down complicated topics into clear, concise, and visually appealing videos. The channel employs a team of researchers, writers, animators, and editors to produce high-quality content that helps viewers better understand the world around them.

Vox also benefits from the charisma and expertise of its on-camera personalities, who deliver the information in a relatable and authoritative manner.

While the exact launch date of the Vox YouTube channel is not provided, Vox.com itself was founded in 2014 by Ezra Klein, Melissa Bell, and Matthew Yglesias. The YouTube channel likely started around that time as a way to expand Vox’s reach and connect with a younger, online audience.

Since its inception, the channel has amassed over 8 million subscribers and billions of views, making it one of the most popular news and educational channels on YouTube.

Council on Foreign Relations.

Best Political Science YouTube Channels - Council on Foreign Relations

The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) YouTube channel does not primarily feature story-based videos. Instead, the channel publishes recordings of CFR events, discussions, and interviews that focus on foreign policy, international relations, and global affairs.

The secret behind the success of the CFR YouTube channel is its ability to provide in-depth, expert analysis on important global issues. As a leading think tank, CFR has access to a network of scholars, policymakers, and foreign affairs experts who offer valuable insights and commentary on current events.

The channel’s videos feature these experts engaging in thoughtful discussions and debates on a wide range of topics. While the exact start date of the CFR YouTube channel is not provided, the Council on Foreign Relations itself has been operating as a nonpartisan, membership organization since 1921.

The YouTube channel likely launched sometime in the late 2000s or early 2010s as a way to share CFR’s content with a wider online audience and expand the reach of its analysis and commentary on international affairs.

Al Jazeera English.

Best Political Science YouTube Channels - Al Jazeera English

The Al Jazeera English YouTube channel primarily publishes news and current affairs videos covering a wide range of global topics, including politics, economics, social issues, and more. The channel does not appear to focus on producing fictional or narrative-style story videos.

The secret behind the success of the Al Jazeera English YouTube channel is its ability to provide in-depth, on-the-ground reporting and analysis of important international events and issues.

As a global news organization, Al Jazeera has a vast network of journalists and correspondents who can offer unique perspectives and insights not found in mainstream media. The channel’s videos are known for their high production values and commitment to balanced, fact-based journalism.

While the exact start date of the Al Jazeera English YouTube channel is not provided, the Al Jazeera media network itself was founded in 1996 and has been operating its English-language service since 2006.

The YouTube channel likely launched sometime in the late 2000s or early 2010s as a way to expand the network’s digital presence and reach a wider, online audience. Today, the Al Jazeera English YouTube channel has over 13.7 million subscribers and billions of views, making it one of the most prominent global news channels on the platform.

Talking Polity.

Best Political Science YouTube Channels - Talking Polity

The Talking Polity YouTube channel publishes videos focused on political science, international relations, and current affairs. The videos feature discussions, interviews, and lectures by experts in these fields, providing in-depth analysis and insights on important global issues.

The secret behind the success of the Talking Polity channel is its ability to bring together leading scholars and practitioners to share their knowledge and perspectives with a wider audience. The channel’s host, Dr. Ankit Malhotra, has a strong academic background and is able to engage guests in thoughtful, nuanced conversations that delve into the complexities of political and international dynamics.

While the exact start date of the Talking Polity YouTube channel is not provided, it appears to have been launched relatively recently, as the oldest video on the channel is from 2021. However, the channel has already amassed a significant following, with over 45000+ subscribers, indicating a strong demand for the type of content it produces.

The Real News Network.

Best Political Science YouTube Channels - The Real News Network

The Real News Network YouTube channel publishes news and current affairs videos focused on progressive, left-leaning perspectives on important social, economic, and political issues. The channel does not appear to produce fictional or narrative-style story videos.

The secret behind the success of The Real News Network is its commitment to independent, viewer-supported journalism that aims to give a voice to underrepresented communities and perspectives.

The channel features in-depth reporting, interviews, and analysis from a network of journalists, activists, and experts who provide critical insights on the “frontlines of the fight for a better world.”

While the exact launch date of The Real News Network YouTube channel is not provided, the organization itself has been operating since 2014.

The channel likely started around that time as a way to expand the reach of its content and connect with an online audience seeking an alternative to mainstream media narratives.

The Heritage Foundation.

Best Political Science YouTube Channels - The Heritage Foundation

The Heritage Foundation YouTube channel primarily publishes videos featuring policy discussions, interviews, and commentary from the organization’s experts and affiliated scholars. The content focuses on a range of conservative and free-market oriented topics, including economics, foreign policy, social issues, and government.

The secret behind the success of The Heritage Foundation’s YouTube channel is its ability to provide a platform for the think tank’s research and analysis to reach a wider online audience. As a leading conservative policy organization, The Heritage Foundation has access to a network of influential voices who can offer in-depth perspectives on important political and social debates.

While the exact start date of the YouTube channel is not provided, The Heritage Foundation itself has been operating since 1973. The organization likely launched its YouTube channel sometime in the late 2000s or early 2010s as a way to expand its digital presence and share its policy ideas through an increasingly popular online video platform.

Political Science YouTube Channels – FAQs.

What are the benefits of learning political science through YouTube?

Learning through YouTube is convenient, offers diverse teaching styles, and provides free access to high-quality content.

How often should I watch these channels to improve my political science knowledge?

Consistency is key. Aim to watch and engage with the content regularly, ideally a few times a week, to steadily improve your understanding.

Are these channels suitable for all learning levels?

Yes, these channels offer content for beginners to advanced learners. Choose videos that match your current level and gradually progress.

Can I interact with these creators for personalized help?

Many creators engage with their audience through comments, social media, and live sessions. While direct interaction varies, there’s often a supportive community of learners.

Do these channels offer additional resources besides videos?

Several channels provide additional resources such as worksheets, quizzes, and links to related content on their websites or through subscription services.


YouTube is an exceptional tool for acquiring knowledge in the field of political science, as it offers a wide range of channels that cater to diverse interests and learning preferences.

With a collection of 15 channels, you can access top-notch and captivating content that will undoubtedly enhance your understanding of political science.

Embark on your journey into the captivating world of political science today by exploring these channels!

For more insights, head over to IBusinessMotivation.com: If you want to practice through YouTube channel please follow the blog below,

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